
Format: 2024
Ordinance ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
19-20-14 Fixing a Time and Place of a Public Hearing Tue 9/3/19 Link
19-20-13 Amending Section 9 Signs Tue 11/19/19 Link
19-20-12 Authorizing the Establishment of Tax Increment Financing "Interested Parties Registry Tue 8/20/19 Link
19-20-11 Authorizing the Sale of Public Property Tue 9/3/19 Link
19-20-10 Petitioning P & Z Tue 8/6/19 Link
19-20-09 Mariangel Variance Tue 8/6/19 Link
19-20-08 Otto Variance Link
19-20-07 Appropriations Ordinance Tue 7/16/19 Link
19-20-06 Amending Chapter 7 Licenses Tue 5/21/19 Link
19-20-05 Amending Chapter 9 Liquor Control and Liquor Licensing Tue 5/21/19 Link
19-20-04 Amending Chapter 12 Nuisances Tue 5/21/19 Link
19-20-03 Amending Chapters 38 and 39, Sewer Use and Water Department Tue 5/21/19 Link
19-20-02 Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property Tue 5/7/19 Link
19-20-01 Sudar Variance Tue 5/7/19 Link
18-19-39 Complete Streets Policy Tue 4/16/19 Link
18-19-38 Benck Variance Tue 4/16/19 Link
18-19-37 Amending Chapter 9 Liquor License Fees Tue 3/19/19 Link
18-19-36 Johnsburg Dental Center Variance Tue 3/19/19 Link
18-19-35 Granting a Conditional Use Permit - General Capital Group (Bush School Property) Tue 1/15/19 Link
18-19-34 Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property Tue 2/19/19 Link
18-19-33 Amending Chapter 43 Noise Tue 12/18/18 Link
18-19-32 General Levy for Tax Year 2018 Tue 12/18/18 Link
18-19-31 Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property Tue 12/18/18 Link
18-19-30 General Obligation Bond Abatement, Series 2018 Tue 12/18/18 Link
18-19-29 SSA 32 Levy Tue 12/18/18 Link
