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eNews - January 3, 2025

Friendly Reminder from Village of Johnsburg
Snow and ice removal operations are a battle against inclement weather. The Johnsburg Public Works Department takes whatever steps it can to keep our roadways safe and passable. The Village is responsible for plowing 55(+) miles of roadway. When the snow starts falling, time is of the essence to clear roadways and make them as safe as possible. During and after inclement weather, the following guidelines shall apply: Primary roads and bus routes are plowed first. Secondary subdivision roads shall be addressed next. Cul-de-sacs and private roads shall be plowed once all other roadways are addressed. Salt application will be focused on primary roads, intersections, hills and curves. On street parking is prohibited between the hours of 2:00a.m. and 6:00a.m. Additionally, parking of any vehicle on any public street in the Village after two (2) inches of snowfall is prohibited.
In the process, snow plows leave a windrow of snow on the side of the plow and in front of driveways. This is not intentionally done by the snow plow drivers and is unavoidable. In most cases, the windrow is in the Villages right-of-way and it is too time consuming for the Village to remove it from all driveways. We ask that homeowners pitch in and not plow the windrow back on the roadway because this creates a traffic hazard. The deposit of garbage, rubbish, snow, on any street, sidewalk or public place, or on any private property is prohibited, 12.02(B) Public Nuisances Affecting Health. Please use best practices and remain neighborly by snow impacting your property is to remain on your property, do no accumulate, discharge or pile in the roads or right-of-ways. Click here for the Village’s Snow Removal and Ice Control Policy practices.
LRS Refuse & Recycling - Christmas Tree Collection reminder
LRS will provide a special collection of Christmas trees from January 2nd - January 13th. The tree must be real, not artificial, not in any plastic bags and free of tinsel, lights, ornaments and not frozen to the ground. Flocked trees, trees with shiners, tinsel, light bulbs, glitter, wire or plastic or in plastic bags will NOT be included in this special collection. Click here for further information.
"Winter Weather – Get it Together" - plan ahead for snow and ice...
Now is a crucial time to begin practicing basic winter driving skills and preparing for even routine trips to take longer to complete, though temperatures are above freezing during the day and roads appear clear. As part of the “Winter Weather – Get it Together” campaign, travelers are encouraged to follow these simple guidelines. Asking drivers to help us protect them by slowing down during storms and increasing their distance from other vehicles, especially snowplows and emergency responders. If they become stranded along the road, drivers should dial *999 for assistance and remain with their vehicles because even during severe weather, help is only a phone call away.
ComEd – Snow Reminder
ComEd is planning for the winter months. In preparation, they have provided the following guidelines: ComEd transformers and/or switch gear on your property that may need to be accessed in the winter. Occasionally after a snowstorm, snow removal efforts will result in buried or blocked access to critical ComEd equipment. If there is a need to access ComEd equipment, at least ten feet of open space in front of the equipment’s cabinet doors is required. Additionally, at least one (1) foot of clearance on the remaining three (3) sides of the equipment is necessary. If you do lose power, call 1-800-EDISON-1 to start the restoration process.
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January 2025 proposed Committee, Zoning and Board meetings can be found here.
Contact us for more information about community events and life in our village, or call (815) 385-6023.