“IT’S OUR FOX RIVER DAY” - Certificate of Appreciation & Recognition

“IT’S OUR FOX RIVER DAY” - Village of Johnsburg, Johnsburg Outdoor Club and Johnsburg Community School District 12

WHEREAS, The Fox River was the central to the lives of early settlers of the Fox River Valley, providing a source of water and power to mill the grains to feed those settlers, saw the lumber to shelter those settlers, and drive the early machinery which formed the commercial and industrial base that gave first growth to our community, and;

WHEREAS, The Fox River has been largely freed from its burden of pollution and once again has become a safe source of recreation and reliable public water supply, with its fish and wildlife population in clear recovery;

THEREFORE, Village President Edwin P. Hettermann and Chair of Development & Government Affairs / Trustee Beth Foreman of the Village of Johnsburg on behalf of the citizens of Johnsburg, the Board of Trustees for your Dedication and Commitment by volunteering and serving as a member of the Johnsburg Outdoor Club participating in the “It’s Our Fox River Day (2024)” for the Village of Johnsburg and Johnsburg Community School District 12.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication! Your efforts are truly appreciated and we value your contributions to the Fox River. Your commitment inspires us all and you make a difference every day! Thank you for going above and beyond!

It’s the Village’s honor to present Certificate of Appreciation & Recognition to the following:

Erin Hiller; Teacher / Event Supervisor
Andy Reinhard; Teacher / Event Supervisor
Nate Thomas; Teacher / Event Supervisor
Aubrey Stade; 6th Grader
Connor Merrill; 6th Grader
Dex Surdick; 6th Grader
Izzy Cook; 6th Grader
Elsie Eastland; 6th Grader
Lux Cantavespi; 6th Grader
Rylee Vermillion; 7th Grader
Olivia Vicenzio; 7th Grader
Landon Hiller; 7th Grader
Emma Ducak; 7th Grader
Cami Koziol; 7th Grader
Julia Nicoline; 8th Grader
Keira Boerman; 8th Grader
Sophia Coyne; 8th Grader

and Celebrate the Life and Well-Being of the Fox River for us to share now, and with generations to come.