eBlast - February 21, 2025

Scout Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - Tomorrow
Cub Scout Pack 214 & Troop 459 invite you to their Annual Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction Fundraiser Saturday, February 22nd from 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. at the McHenry Moose Lodge #691 - Loyal Order of Moose (3535 N. Richmond Rd, Johnsburg, IL). Money raised through this fundraiser will allow the troop and pack to offset the rising cost of outings, camping, equipment and other various necessities used by the organizations. Click here for further information about tickets and donations.

JHS Baseball Dugout Club Grand Slam - Bingo Fundraiser Tomorrow
Johnsburg High School Baseball Program Dugout Club is hosting a Bingo Fundraiser; Saturday, February 22nd at the Johnsburg Community Club (2315 W Church St) starting at 6:00p. Click here for further information about tickets; 50/50 raffle baskets, Lucky Duck and more.

Johnsburg Sled Hill – Open
That’s right, the Village of Johnsburg has a Sled Hill! Sunnyside Memorial Park (1515 Channel Beach Ave) and it is available to all residents. Please ensure to comply with the posted Sled Hill Rules and ensure you park in the parking lot, you cannot drive directly to the Hill. 

Johnsburg Outdoor Ice Rink - Open
The Village of Johnsburg has the Ice Rink! Rescue Squad Park (2410 W. Johnsburg Rd) and it is available to all residents. Please ensure to comply with the posted Ice Rink Rules. Surface preparations are normally prepared in the a.m. hours (weekdays only) for afternoon and evening skating, if snow accumulates on-top we ask to stay off the ice until preparations for day are completed (excludes weekends)
Please ensure you park in the parking lot, you cannot drive directly to the Rink. 

Troop #455 – Johnsburg; Recruiting Now #AdventureOn
If you are interested in learning more about Scouting with Troop 455, have your parent/guardian contact them, click here for further information how. Through their doors have emerged 115 Eagle Scoutswill you be next!

To keep up-to-date on the latest Village events and stories, stay in touch:
Visit www.johnsburg.org
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February 2025 proposed Committee, Zoning and Board meetings can be found here.
Contact us for more information about community events and life in our village, or call (815) 385-6023.