e-Blast - May 24th, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

Honoring and Remembering - Offices Closing at 2:00p.m.
Wishing you a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend from President Ed Hettermann, the Village of Johnsburg Board of Trustees & Staff. Thank You to all that gave some and some that gave all. Village offices will be closing at 2:00p.m. on Friday, May 24th and will re-open on Tuesday, May 28th in observance of Memorial Day.

Memorial Day in Johnsburg
Memorial Day in Johnsburg is a patriotic event like no other.  Gather your family and join fellow friends and neighbors to honor veterans, both past and present on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27th. Plan to be on the bridge sidewalk by 8:30a.m. to enjoy the patriotic performances of the Johnsburg High School band, choir and buglers. The Johnsburg VFW will conduct the opening ceremony at 9:00a.m. at the Waterfront Hotel & Marina riverfront patio by the Chapel Hill Bridge. A river wreath ceremony will follow to honor those lost at sea during naval battles. After the events conclude at the Waterfront Hotel & Marina, a parade will proceed to the Johnsburg Community Club’s Armed Forces Memorial for a concluding ceremony.  The parade will travel along Chapel Hill Road through the roundabout to St. John’s Avenue and end at Rescue Squad Memorial Park.  The concluding ceremony will take place immediately following the parade.  Antique and military vehicles will also be on display. 

Stick around for the picnic, food and donations are being provided by Johnsburg residents and business owners. Anyone wishing to donate to this patriotic event can do so by dropping a check off at the Village Hall made out to the Johnsburg VFW Post 11496. For more information and parade applications, email george-braun@comcast.net.

Spring Brush Pick-Up - Mark Your Calendars
The Village's Spring Brush Pick-Up will begin Monday, June 3rd at 7:00a.m. All brush must be placed by the road no later than 7:00 a.m. on the 3rd of June and no sooner than one week prior, May 25th. Please follow the guidelines outlined in the Summer 2019 Newsletter arriving any day now or contact Village Hall (815) 385-6023 with any questions. 

Discover Daisies
Start your Girl Scout Adventure! For every girl in kindergarten through twelfth grade; attend a meeting for interested parents & girls May 30th or June 6th at the McHenry Township Recreation Center from 6:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. Click here for further information.

Johnsburg Public Library
The Johnsburg Public Library invites you to kick-off the Summer Reading Program with their Book Swap on Saturday, June 1st from 11:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Patrons ages 1 to 18 can bring in up to 20 gently used children's or young adult books between now and May 31 and receive an equal number of tickets to use to choose new books during the swap. There will also be free ice cream and face painting!

Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 30th starting at 4:00p.m. for "Make a Felted Bunny" with Fiber artist, Natasha Lehrer Lewis. Patrons ages 7 to 11 will be shown by Ms. Lewis how to shape fluffy wool into a cute rabbit ornament. All supplies are included! Advance registration is required online, in-person, or by calling the library.

The Library will be closed Sunday and Monday for the Memorial Day Holiday. They will continue to be closed on Sundays through the summer with Sunday hours resuming on September 15th.

Chapel Hill Golf Course – May Specials
Take advantage of these A-May-Zing Specials at Johnsburg's Chapel Hill Golf Course!  Enjoy some May golf at great rates. Click here to view their specials including discount rates for Johnsburg residence!  Online reservations are now available 24/7 or call the "19th Hole" at (815) 344-1894 for reservations.

Cruise Night at Moose Lodge 691
All Show Vehicles, Trucks, and Bikes clear your schedule for Tuesday Nights. Moose Lodge 691 is bringing Cruise Night back for the 2nd year featuring a weekly trophy for "Best Show Vehicle", 50/50 Raffle, weekly DJ and Live entertainment. Click here for further information.

Summer Showdown
The Johnsburg Athletic Boosters brings you their Summer Showdown June 8th starting at 10:30a.m. Get your team together and get ready to have fun at 9-hole Golf @ Chapel Hill, 2 games of Bags @ the Johnsburg Community Club and 2 games @ Raymond's Bowl. Click here for further information, registration is required at https://il.8to18.com/johnsburg